Drupal Is Ugly. We're Fixing It!
A few weeks ago, I introduced you to the research portion of our work around the Drupal experience manager. This week, I will show you the work my team and I did to redesign the visual elements from Drupal 8’s basic setup, including type, color, components, and icons.
Alloy is Now a NetSuite Commerce Agency Partner
Alloy is officially authorized for NetSuite's SuiteCommerce Advanced's Commerce Agency Program. As a partner, Alloy joins a dedicated group of creative agencies committed to providing businesses with an innovative e-commerce platform.
Fixing the Drupal 8 Admin Theme
It’s no secret that our team loves Drupal. The release of Drupal 8 became an opportunity for us to do a thorough investigation on ways to improve our core offerings, experience, and interface. In this post, we will discuss how we researched our content management system’s user experience, and how we established the next steps of our strategy to improve our custom Drupal 8 platform.
Digital Marketing vs Traditional Advertising for Law Firms
The greatest advantages to digital marketing over traditional advertising are the ability to track effectiveness and target specific audiences.
Helping Law Firms Maximize Traditional Marketing Efforts by Integrating Digital Marketing Tactics
For many of our legal clients, the dollars they’re spending on traditional print advertising is a much smaller percentage of their marketing budget than it was in years past, but it hasn’t gone away completely.
User Generated Content Builds Brand Trust
Our friends at Olapic have released a killer survey on how user generated content influences purchase. We couldn't agree more. Social pressure is an effective tactic in social media and lead generation and your content marketing program can help drive social content beyond the obvious categories like fashion.
Thanks for Your Support!
We would like to thank everyone for celebrating the arts and Cinco de Mayo with us during the Downtown Arts District Association's First Friday Gallery Hop! We would especially like to thank our featured artists, Chad Beroth and Jennifer Wynn O'Kelly, and DeLurk Gallery.
Guide to Planning a B2B Product Launch Campaign
Whether you’re a B2B business or a consumer-focused company where the trade industry is very influential (think pharmaceuticals or even liquor), your product launch plan needs to go beyond providing accessible product information to leveraging the event to raise awareness.
The key here is that it’s NEW. Trade journalists, bloggers and industry insiders want to know about it when it’s hot off the press, not eight months later. That’s why it’s imperative to begin your launch plan in advance, ideally about six months ahead of your launch date.
How to Plan Content for B2B Product Launches
Coordinating a product launch requires a concert of activities working together. By creating a foundation of strong shared understanding around the buyer and their process for purchase, every team can contribute to the success of a launch.
Commerce Journeys at Bronto Summit 2017
Our CXO David Millsaps is in Vegas this week to present at Bronto Summit 2017. David explores how to develop a strategy for understanding and harnessing customer intent throughout the customer journey. He’ll discuss the alignment between site structure and SEO, and how they influence automation.